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Green Macomb
Planning and Economic Development
Administration Building
(586) 469-5285


Who we are


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The Green Macomb initiative was created by the Macomb County Department of Planning & Economic Development to support green infrastructure efforts that strengthen the economic vitality, quality of life, and environmental well-being of the region.

Through diverse partnerships, Green Macomb is working with local municipalities, businesses, private residents, and nonprofit organizations in order to enhance our region’s land and water resources.


Green Macomb is a recipient of a 2018 Achievement Award from The National Association of Counties. 

The annual award program, now in its 48th year, recognizes innovative initiatives in county government. Click here to learn more.

In the news

Volunteers plant trees through Green Macomb initiative - C & G Newspapers, 5/17/18

Macomb County receives national awards - C & G Newspapers, 5/17/18

Green Macomb – Urban Forest Partnership branches off in New Direction with a Variety of Arbor Day Programs and Tree Sales, 4/19/18

Place an order to help more trees grow in Macomb County - C & G Newspapers, 3/30/18


2018 Spring Tree and Plant Sale

The Arbor Day Tree Sales were a huge success at both the Armada and Warren locations. Thank you to the Blue Water Conservation District for all of their help in increasing the tree canopy here in Macomb County!


Why Plant a Tree?

US Forest Service Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Grant

Macomb County has received a grant from the US Forest Service and the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative to reduce stormwater runoff and nonpoint source pollution impacts through targeted increases in tree canopy as green infrastructure. Learn more here.



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