In this topic
  1. Configuring the Enhanced Locate Widget
  2. Using the Enhanced Locate
    1. Address Tab
    2. Coordinates Tab
    3. Address Inspector Tab
    4. Results Tab

Enhanced Locate Version 2.16

The Enhanced Locate allows you to locate locations on the map based on user inputs.

The Enhanced Locate serves as a means to locate locations on the map using addresses, coordinates, or to click on the map and inspect the address (reverse Geocode). You can configure multiple coordinate units with different coordinate systems like WGS84 DMS, WGS84 DDM, State Plane Coordinates, UTM, Etc.

Configuring the Enhanced Locate

The following steps indicate how to create a identify layer. Repeat these steps if you need to define multiple identify layers.

  1. Hover the mouse over the Enhanced Locate and click the small edit icon Edit

    The configuration window for this widget opens.

    Add new search
  2. Optionally, click change widget icon if you want to replace the default icon for this widget.

    A file explorer window opens allowing you to browse to a local image file to use as the widget icon.

  3. The widget comes configured to use the esri world locator. Optionally you can click Set next to the Geocoder URL and specify your own Geocode service url.

    Add Locator URL

    The new locator dialog opens. Now enter the URL of the service and click Validate.

    Validate URL
  4. Optonally you can click Add map coordinate unit and the add new map coordinate unit dialog will open.

    Validate URL

    If you enter 4326 for the WKID then some additional options will appear in the dialog.

    These additional controls allow you to specify if the lat lon WGS 84 coordinates will be entered as Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS), Decimal Degrees (DD), Degrees Minutes (DM), or Degrees Decimal Minutes (DDM).

    additional controls

  5. Optionally edit units in the map coordinate units table by using the contols at the end of each row.
  6. Set the Info Window Auto Close (seconds) to a number of seconds you want the info window to remain open after you have moved focus from the result or the info window.

  7. Set the Initial View to one of the three options in the drop down.

    This will set which tab will be selected and has focus when the widget opens.

    Exclude Layer
  8. Optionally, define the Default Zoom Scale.

    The Default Zoom Scale is used when zooming to locate results that are point geometry.

  9. Optionally, check the Force Scale.

    The Force Scale is used to specify if only the map will be zoomed back out to the default zoom scale if the map is already zoomed beyond that scale.

  10. Optionally, specify the WKID for coordinates displayed in popup.

    The WKID for coordinates displayed in popup is used to specify the coordinate text that is added to the popup for address inspection and locate address. This allows you to specify that you want theis coordinate text to be in a WKID different from the maps WKID.

  11. Optionally, check the Keep address inspector tool active after each address inspection.

    The Keep address inspector tool active after each address inspection option specifies that when an address inspection is completed that the drawing tool will remain active and will not be automatically disabled. This feature allows you to continue to inspect addresses on the map without having to re-select each time.

  12. Optionally, check the Enable geocoder limit to map extent by default check box if you want to appear in the widgets UI checked by default.
  13. Optionally, check the Enable Mouse Over Graphic Info Windows and Enable Mouse Over Result Info Windows check boxes.

    Enable Mouse Over Graphic Info Windows will allow the maps info window to appear when you hover the mouse over the result graphic in the map.
    Enable Mouse Over Result Info Windows will display the maps info window when you hover the mouse over the locate result in the widgets results UI.

  14. Optionally, click the Edit default symbols.

    The default symbology dialog opens, allowing you to choose the images for the locate type result symbols.

    Select symbol in results setting
  15. Optionally, click the Edit Disabled Tab(s).

    The disable tab(s) dialog opens, allowing you to choose the tabs that will be disabled in the widgets UI.

    disabled tabs

Using the Enhanced Locate

Clicking the Enhanced Locate in your application displays the widget. Depending on the Initial View choice that was made during configuration the configured tab will be selected.


The Results view lists all the located features and thier attributes (dependant on the locate type).