This widget allows you to measure a line on the map and get the elevation profile for that line based on the profile geoprocessing service supplied.
You can also select an existing line feature and in that lines popup menu you can choose "Profile selected line..."
This opens the configuration window for this widget.
A file explorer window opens allowing you to browse to a local image file to use as the widget icon.
All changes made in the Edit Chart Display Properties dialog can be seen in the preview chart once the ok button has been clicked on the Edit Chart Display Properties dialog.
Clicking the Elevation Profile Widget displays the widget.
Select the measure units that you want to use for the line that you draw on the map or choose "Profile selected line..." from an existing lines popup menu.
Next click on the distance measurement tool in the widget and draw a polyline on the map for the profile you wish to generate.
The results of the profile are then displayed in the widget.
As you mouse over the chart in the widget a red x is moved in the map corresponding with the location in the chart.
Clicking the Menu icon will show more options to interact with the eleveation profile.